What an exciting way to start off the week!  Our classroom had an in school fieldtrip with High Touch High Tech today.  We learned more about the human body's skeletal system, joints, and organs.  The students did so well remembering our objectives from 3rd quarter, that the scientist was super impressed!  We even got to explore what real organs looked like.  Scientists don't say "gross," we say "cool!"  The students had an amazing experience getting to see what real organs like hearts, eyes, and even bones looked like from different animals.  Check out our "What We Are Up To" page to see the "cool" pictures.

Parents & students, a reminder that there will be no school on Friday, April 6! 

Track out is only 6 weeks away, which means EOG's are right after track out!  So please make sure you are going through your student's Friday Folder and looking over their work, going through examples from school, and discussing the EOG preparation activities that get sent home each week.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Learning Objectives:
Literacy:  Fact vs. Opinion, Pioneer Journals
Math:  Fractions (equivelant, mixed, improper, & fractions on number lines)
Science:  Plants
Social Studies:  How people & events cause change

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