Welcome back Team Sonntag!  I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable track out.  The students shared lots of fun and exciting things about the activities they did over the break.  It was great to hear about all the fun in the sun and family time they got to have!

Over the break, students were sent home with EOG scores from our testing back in May.  If you did not recieve testing information please contact myself or the office.  Students who receive a level 1 or 2 on the EOG in math and/or reading will be retested next week, June 11th - 14th.  Review packets also went home to keep their minds fresh and practice those skills over the past 3 weeks.  We will continue to review this week with those children who will be retesting.

As we return to our regularly scheduled day at BRES, students will also resume having homework.  For the next few weeks students will need to complete the assigned math workbook page and read for 20 minutes.  The reading must be recorded in their reading log and signed by an adult.  The math page must be completed as well.

Again, welcome back Team Sonntag!  Let's have a great last 4 weeks of the 2012-2012 school year!

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